[OPENED] Valentine's Day Special Contest: "Best Pose with Someone" (February 2014)

[OPENED] Valentine's Day Special Contest: "Best Pose with Someone" (February 2014)

[HOW?] The photo will need to contain 2 people whether it will be a boy-girl couple or a best-friends couple (ex: boy-boy, girl-girl) couple photo and also to show your best pose, silly pose, or cute pose with your partner! 

[Where can I upload my photo?]
All you need to do is follow the instructions:

2. Upload a picture where we can see your full face and full-colored
3. Copy the description:

Category: Best Pose with Someone
Name: (your real name here)
Age: (your real age here)
Country: (which country you live in)
Nationality (opitional):
FB URL: (put your Facebook URL here)

- You must upload only your own photo. Uploading of other people's photo is automatic disqualification of your entry.
- Do not add your fake korean names and country! If you do, I will automatically disqualify you.
- If you're not following the rules, then your photo will be removed from the album of this contest.

The deadline for submitting is Tuesday, 26th of February 2014 (9PM KST)

Everyone can join!~ Any questions? Please feel free to ask the admins. Thank you.

Good luck~! ♫


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